Well, its just some sort of an enlightenment I got. Some people have really taught me what it means to be a friend and in contrast, some have also just as clearly shown what isn't. A friend isn't someone that stands you up, one that always gives countless excuses for them when the only clear one is just that you really aren't that important in their lives. To them, you are but someone who is at their beck and call. When they feel bored or crudely speaking, they have a vacant slot in their schedule their desperately want to fill, they will ask you out. When suddenly a "better option" or better companion for this slot appears, you are conveniently thrown out of the picture with less thought given than throwing a piece of used tissue paper. These people are not friends. They are teachers. They have taught me that I am not that important after all and not to expect them to see me just the way I see them. More importantly, they have taught me how naive I am and to wake up from this idealistic dream of who the people around me really are. I shan't put names for it is best to speak not of the evils of others but rather to laud the goods of them.
Well, I guess the only good thing is that in contrast, these people show me how good real friends are. Real friends are there to listen when you need a ear. They are this special group of people that are willing to listen to you grumble and rant even when they themselves have a truckload of worries burdening them and yet they don't complain. They offer you help whenever they think you need it be it whether you accept it or not. Most importantly, friends make you feel loved and wanted. Their actions emphasize again and again how important you are to them and how much they want you to be in their lives in the capacity of a friend.
For this, I really want to say a big thank you to my friends and also the "teachers". The former for just being part of my life and the latter for waking me up to the harsh reality of the world.
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