Sunday, March 29, 2009

Being made use of

The world we live on is like a tapestry while individual lives akin to the threads. Everyone is woven into another person's life to create this masterpiece. However, wherever there is interaction there is always friction. This tapestry might be beautiful but if we look carefully there are kinks and mis-stitchs in it. It is up to us to iron them out.

In life, I believe that we shouldn't be too insistent on always benefitting. Sometimes, people make use of you to achieve a goal or obtain something. To people I really consider as friends, being made use of is never an issue. The fact that they bother to make use of me proves that I have some value left for them to use. However, please remember I'm human too and be gentle when using me.

"I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams"

If making use of me can let you achieve happiness, please go ahead. If you are my friend, I will be happy only when you are. Just give me a smile when you succeed and it will be my best reward - a beautiful memory I can keep to eternity.

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