Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son Soul

Recently, I've been devoting some of my free time to reading a book titled "Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son Soul". Every story is ever so fascinating and inspirational that it pushes me to read the next. Recounts of copious mother & son love flood the pages and touching is but an understatement penned to it.

As I close the book, saving some for another day, I am also tempted to recount a moment that best encapsulates my love for my mother or vice versa. I wanted to have an incident that I could proudly show how much my mum loved me or I loved her. Yet, almost immediately I knew there was no need for it. I loved her for who she was, my mum, and not what transpired between us. I didn't need a special incident to love her or for her to love me. Love for each other was in who we were.

At that very moment I had the urge to call home or send her a sms telling her how much I loved her or asking her how her overseas trip to US was. Yet, being raised in a traditional Asian family has its limitations. The words of love Americans so freely express would put both of us in an awkard situation. So for now, all I can do is be glad of my renewed love for her and keep it in my heart. Hopefully she feels my love and maybe she really can. Afterall there is always a strange unexplainable bond between mothers and sons. I should really do more for her. Somehow she seemed to have slipped in my rankings of priorities. I must remind myself she is and always will be ever so important to me!!

A dedication to Mum..


kk said...

I was here. haha

Dixon Heng said...

Hey.. So free come read my blog ah.. Hope it helps you kill boredom in taiwan